Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Luke has a BAD morning...

Today when I got up to get Kayleb off to school Luke called and told me he had been in an accident and that I needed to go and pick him up. He had almost finished his daily commute into PG for work and he came upon a REALLY icy patch in the highway. he saw the bus in front of him a long ways off so he slowed down. About a 100 yards before he reached the bus he saw that it was stopping and he slowed down to 15 kms. then he realized that the car was not going to stop and he proceeded to slid right under the back bumper of the bus. Luckily it stopped when it reached the cab of the car. The bus driver in an effort to get off the road and prevent and further accidents started to drive away for a safe place to park. Little did he know that he was dragging Luke and his car behind. After being drug about 30 yards Luke was able to get out from under the bus and get to the side of the road. While waiting from the cops and tow truck to arrive another accident happened right there too. So that was 3 there just this morning. So now we are waiting for the claims adjuster to look at the car in the morning and decided what we are going to do. I stress about the money part and have to be reminded of how much worse it could have easily been. So tonight we are thankful that we have Luke home safe and sound, and hope that the claims guy is feeling generous tomorrow.


Wanda said...

Dear Summer and Luke

So glad to hear that you're okay Luke. Those roads to P.G. can be pretty bad eh? Hope everything turns out okay for you. Thank goodness you are back home safe and sound with your family.


Hatch Clan said...

I am sorry this has happened. Is Luke alright? Do you think the car is totaled? I am so glad Luke is not in the hospital. I guess this is the year for accidents for the Hatch's! Hope things will go your way.
Love ya, Mom Hatch

The Burninghams said...

Oh I am so glad that Luke was ok. Poor little car though. :(