Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tripp LeRoy Hatch

Well, he is finally here.
We are soooooo HAPPY!!!!!
He was 7 lbs. .08 oz.
17 3/4 in. long
light blondeish brown hair
Blue eyes and fuzzy.
He is a wonderful littel boy
and we are so happy to welcome
him to our little family.
I will post some video clips as
soon as I am feeling better.
So stay tuned.
Love the Hatch's
Luke , Summer, Kayleb, Thayne and Tripp


Teija said...

Congratulations Summer!!! He is so cute! Hope you are feeling well and the boys are doing good adjusting to a new little one!

EmWalker said...

You all look so happy, Summer. And you look amazing so soon after giving birth...wow! Glad to hear everything is going well.
Love, Kamon, Emily, and Boswell

T. Lopez said...

Congratulations Summer!!! Whst an adorable little guy! So glad he's here & healthy & you're all so happy! Hope you feel as good as you look!!! Lotsa love to you all,