Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Our First Picture Together Jan. 2001

It is SuPeR crazy to look at this set of pictures.
We were soooooo young! it is fun to look back though.
Most of them are from a trip to California.
I was there as a nanny and Luke came out for a visit.
My cousin Kamon took out EnGaGmEnT photos on the beach in Carmel.
Thanks again Kamon! Hard to believe it has been almost 8 years.
I Love You LUKE!
Happy Valentines Day!


Breck, Celest, Tayzia, Talon, Kallie, and Jackson Rice said...

Cute, cute, cute! I love your pictures! Love, Aunt Celest

Wanda said...

Summer and Luke

Those are awesome pictures. I always like to see pictures of people when they first got together. I think it's neat. You've got a beautiful life.


Ydalgorf said...

Love it! But you know I will never forgive you for having your reception the same day that we got married! LOL I didn't get to see my Favorite Uncle & Aunt! Or meet you until much later I might add! I agree with you our 8th is almost here too! I can't believe it! Love you guys!