Friday, February 27, 2009

A Feel Sorry for My Self Day

My day yesterday was a fun one. In the morning
it was -30 again and the van decided not to start
for school. So I had to hook up the battery charger.
We loaded up and as we are driving down
our road( 2 hours Late)
we notice a dog running in from of us and then
realized it was Bob, our dog who had broken his
cable. Then I find out that a medication i wanted
to get on for my PCOS is not available in Canada
and then I find out that I have Bronchitis and
Tripp has RSV. So I begged Luke to stay home
today and I got to sleep in till 10 am.
Plus he took night shift.
Yay. I love my Luke!


Priceless Heritage said...

Oh man- I don't know how you keep it together in that weather. I hate to be cold. Maybe why I live in AZ. I hope you and Tripp are feeling better. Your boys are so adorable.

Wanda said...


I hope things go better for you in the next week and the week after that. I know how you feel about this weather. I want spring to come as soon as possible. I could never imagine how you do it with kids and being sick and everything not going the way you would like. You can blame mother nature for that hey?. Well take care. Get better.
