Monday, February 2, 2009


What an ADVENTURE it has been today. Kayleb and Thayne have had bad cold/flu for over a week , now I do too . I think it may be turning into Pneumonia, we'll see what the Doctor says this afternoon. :(
So, I was trying to leave my house early this morning to drop off the 3 boys at \Mom's so I could go and get some blood work done. Got stuck in my driveway due to the 1 foot of new snow we got lastnight. I, being respiratorily challenged, today tried to dig the van out but ended up having to call mom to come and rescue me with her truck. After much more digging and sand to combat the nice ice, under to 1 foot of new snow, it took us about 45 more minutes to get out ( not no mention the 3 boys who got very tired of being stuck) .
So,now we are on our way, plowing snow with the van on all the many back roads on the way to Mom's.
THEN I got stuck in her driveway.
So I took the 4wheel drive truck to the hospital!

1 comment:

Wanda said...

Dear Summer

I know exactly how you feel. I got stuck in my drive way this morning, a neighbour came with his snowblower and cleared some snow out of my way so I could get to work on time. I was not impressed. My opinion is it can quit anytime and become spring. But as much as I want that, I know we still have 2 months of the stuff. I don't know about you. I really don't care for winter. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you Summer. Take care
