Friday, March 13, 2009

To the Doctor Again!

So, it seems as though our family has been SICK all winter.
Well, we have. Trpp is getting over his RSV still and we
all still have the sniffles and now Kayleb has brought
home PINK EYE for all of us. Well actually only
Mommy and Kayleb and Thayne. Grrrr. I can't
wait till spring time.
But on a good note we had all the boys wieghed:
Kayleb - 54lbs.
Thayne - 44lbs.
Tripp - 13.4 lbs.
Holy Shmolly, they are getting BIG!

1 comment:

Photo By Emilie said...

Thanks so much for entering to win one of my fine art temple prints. Good luck. I believe Karli is announcing the winner on Monday. Thanks again.