Monday, March 2, 2009

Treacherous is the word of the day!
As we walked out the door to take Kayleb to School this
morning he exclaimed, "IT"S Raining!"
I told him no it was just snow melting off the roof,
but I was wrong. It was coming down HARD.
So we load up in the van and head for town.
The back roads were SliPpErY due to the ice
now covered in rain.On one of the last corners
on the dirt road before the highway I lost
control of the van for a second.
It hit the tall snowbank on the passenger side
of the van and we did a
"Lightning McQueen Dirt Corner"
if you know what I mean. My heart was
RACING and I was totally scared.
But Kayleb piped up from the backseat and
exclaimed" THAT WAS FUN!" I quickly corrected
him but stating that it was NOT fun and that it
was actually really scary and dangerous.
He Then Said,
"Well, we almost Died , but it was sooo Fun"
But everything is fine , van, kids and my heart.

Although when we reached town my chest was aching.

2 good things though, the SNOW will melt a bit due to the rain, and that van is pretty clean!

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