Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Which Superman is Which? Kayleb,Thayne and Tripp


walkinourshoes said...

Kayleb is the first, then Tripp, and Thayne is the bottom.

Hatch Clan said...

It is Kayleb top left, Tripp on the right and Thayne is at the bottom!
Love ya!

Karli said...

I agree with the top two commenters.

Wanda said...

Kayleb is the top left, then Tripp and then Thayne and the bottom.


Ydalgorf said...
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Ydalgorf said...

How fun that you have pictures of all of them in the Superman outfit! You should have Luke make you a 5x7 or 8x10 out of them and put it up for the boys! To cute!
(I was the delete! Sorry! I was typing to fast and hit a few wrong keys! LOL)