Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Azteca Resturant...

So, we went to a yummy Mexican Food
restaurant while on our trip. with all the
yummy enchiladas, chimichangas, borritos etc.,
and what did my cute little boys order...
Mac'n'Cheese and Fries!
Silly Billies!!!!!!!!!


Dana M. said...

Your boys are so cute!

walkinourshoes said...

Kids will be kids. Kylee is going to do the same. I love all the pictures. What a fun trip.
Love, Koe

KWit said...

Yum.. that is a great Resturant. Looks like your family had a great time. I am so glad to see. I hope that it all turned out okay. Sorry I couldn't of been more help! Maybe next year!! Oh and great job on the running and exercising!