Saturday, April 4, 2009

New Activities...

Me with some of my "Mommy Running Club"
So, Luke and I have started a new routine.
We Have been needing and wanting to get
more active and exercise and spend time
with friends again. So 2 Saturday's ago we
started going to "Date Night V-Ball" which
is held twice a month at the church.
( about 18 couples attend) And Luke Plays
B-ball on Saturday mornings, I play V-ball
on Tuesday afternoons and then I have
stared a going with "Mommy Running Club "
(a long run on Saturday mornings and 2
shorter runs during the week. I am doing
2 miles on sat and 1 on the weekday runs
to start with.) So, with this we get both.
The badly needed exercise and the
Socialization with old and new friends.
We are sore and tired but LOVIN' it!
Becky Gulbranson, our "Running Coach"
Tripp with some of the other Babies at Tuesday V-Ball

1 comment:

Karli said...

Yay for running mommies! Just think... in a few more months we are all going to look like Ginger does in this picture! Well, not as tall :(