Thursday, April 9, 2009

Our Drive to Vancouver, and Seattle...

We left at 6:30pm when Luke Got home from work.
Tripp did good for about the first 3 hours, THEN he
started to freakout and not want ot be in his seat.
The above picture of Tripp is taken at 2am when
we pulled over to let him out of his seat for
a little while. INSTANT Smiles!
Kayleb thought it was great to stay up as late as he wanted.
Thayne Bit the Dust!
Tripp takes his turn at Driving (J/K)
So, from 7pm till 5am we were on the road.
The boys actually did really well.
But we sure were glad to get to the HOTEL today to Chill!

1 comment:

Hatch Clan said...

It looks like the boys did pretty good. Hope everything went well. Looks like the boys had fun in the pool too!
Have a Happy Easter!
Grandma H