Thursday, June 25, 2009

Kayleb's School did an AWSOME "FarmDay"

Mayson holding Tripp
Thayne tries his hand at "Driving the Tractor"
Kayleb Tries out the Tractor too.
Kayleb was pretty good at roping being that it was his first try.
Thayne gets help from a real roper.
Tripp Chillin' with Grandma Schumann
Kayleb and Thayne looking at the chickens.
Kayleb giving a snack to the Sheep.

1 comment:

Hatch Clan said...

That looks like a really neat farm. Did Kayleb make his catch? Looked like he did. Boy! Mayson is getting to be such a beautiful young lady. She is so good with kids. I am sure Tripp was all excited to see the different animals.