Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Kaylebs "Fantabulous" Tank Cake!

The cake pieces...
Rolling out the Yummy Marshmallow Fondant...
Looking good..
Kayleb is SOooooo Excited!
Happy Birthday Kayleb. I can't believe you are SEVEN!


Hatch Clan said...

That looks good! You have done a great job. Hope Kayleb has a wonderful birthday tomorrow!! We love him very much!

Wanda said...

You are a very creative girl Summer. Kayleb will love it. Happy Birthday Kayleb, have a great birthday and many wishes to you


walkinourshoes said...

Dear Kayleb,

Happy Birthday to you. We love you so much.

Love, Craig, Koe and Kylee

Good job, Summer Bummer, the cake is awesome.

Ydalgorf said...

Cute! Hope he has a great birthday! Alex and Kayleb are on the same wave lenght!!! Alex had an Army birthday with a Tank cake too! It must be the age! LOL It's hard to believe that they are 7!