Saturday, August 8, 2009

Seven Miles...

So my Saturday started out like it has for the last few months with going running with my AWESOME Running group. But this morning was special... I along with my friend Deni completed our first 7 Mile Run. Yay us. Once we hit our usual 6 mile mark my body started to really feel the extra distance. I was pooped after but I DID IT! My goal for this summer was to be up to 8 miles. Next week I will see that realized. So off to do more stretches and prepare for a long day of reno's on our new home. I will post some work-in-progress pics soon.


Karli said...

Yay for you!!! Your day sounds a lot like my day. Early morning run, lots of stretching then renovations all day! Except I only ran 6 miles so you are so much cooler than I am! :)

Shana Hamblin said...

Wow Summer that is awesome on your running. I have never been able to do that. Keep going and you will be a marathon runner too. I can't wait to see all of the things you will do on your new home.
Love, Aunt Shana

Wanda said...

Congratulations Summer on your running. That is a big accomplishment, you should be very proud of yourself