Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lino Down, I repeat, L-I-N-O D-O-W-N!!!!!!!! Our great friend Vance came over this afternoon and cut and glued our kitchen flooring down. Yay! Thank You Vance. This is a very exciting step acomplished.


Karli said...

Summer it looks awesome!!! I love the color and everything. I can't wait to come over sometime and see it. As for the 1/2... I do NOT want to miss it. I'm going unless I'm thrashing about and dying on the ground. (which actually feels like it might happen at this point!). :)

Wanda said...

Summer, Wow the kitchen looks beautiful. Can't wait to give you your tablerunner. The lady that quilts them hasn't called me yet. As soon as she does I will do the binding and then it's all yours. Your place is looking so great

Shana Hamblin said...

Wonderful! But now I want to see the moved in look! You know your table etc. Yay for Thayne! A new BBQ is always wonderful!

Hatch Clan said...

Wow! It's coming along. Can't wait to see the next step in the process. Boy! Thayne is very lucky. Looks like a really nice BBQ! Just got back from Beau's wedding. Very nice! Drew got engaged! Getting Married Jan. 2. Need to make new plans maybe?