Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Thayne and Tripp LOVE their "Pre-School". Their "teacher" Krista is super fun. I am planning on taking them in 2 times a week but I think that Thayne might be sad about that. He is choping at the bit every morning for us to get out the door.

There are some really awsome BIG BIKES to ride at gym time.
Snack Time. They provide a yummy snack, but Thayne insists on packing a big lunch too.
So many fun toys to play with...
Thayne loves to paint. Today he made a cute picture of a bear for grandpa Schumann.
Tripp loves Preschool because there are GREAT SNACKS!


Hatch Clan said...

Oh my, Thayne! Looks like you have a lot of fun in school too! I am glad you have a lot of activities to do. Tripp looks like he is enjoying it also! Work real hard so that you will be ready for kindergarten!
Love ya,
Grandpa & Grandma

Shana Hamblin said...

I would love that preschool too. Food and toys what more do you need? Is this a community thing or what?