Friday, October 16, 2009

Our Family October 2009

Kayleb Hill Hatch 7 Years Old

Thayne Grant Hatch 4 1/2 Years Old

Tripp LeRoy Hatch 10 Months Old


Karli said...

Great pictures!

Dana M. said...

Cute pictures!! I love them!

walkinourshoes said...

This one is so precious.

Hatch Clan said...

Just love the pictures! When do I get a copy?

Shana Hamblin said...

It looks like Tripp has cotton candy hair right now. I am so glad you are keeping up with all of the pictures. Such a darling family. I hope you get blessed with a girl. It puts a whole new perspective on all of those boys! Love Ya

Ydalgorf said...

Sooooo Cute! They are all getting so big!

The Cool Preschool said...

Hey Summer, your photos look AWESOME! Good composition and cute, CUTE family!

Breck, Celest, Tayzia, Talon, Kallie, and Jackson Rice said...

I am in love with your beautiful pictures! You all look so HAPPY! We miss you like crazy. Love, Aunt Celest

midnight hysteria said...

OMHeck ... if you don't freaking look like your ma, summer schumann .... wow! pictures of your family are darling ... wish i could see you guys again; it's been soooo long and sooo much has happened!

take care, miss summer and family ...

darlene (jones - from vanderhoof eons ago) harris

Rose said...

Summer, wow! You are all grown up! Your family is beautiful! You are so blessed to be able to live by your parents and family. I am lonesome for my mine, as Koe probably is too. Say "hi" to your parent for me, and kiss those adorable kids of yours for me too.