Sunday, November 15, 2009

Getting Firewood

So it looks as though we played more than worked but I just could not take as many pictures when we were doing the hard stuff. We are so proud of how hard the two boys worked. Yesterday we told the boys if they worked really hard we would take them for a treat. We held out ALL day, keeping the boys in suspense. We took them to 7-11 and let them pick out 2 treats! They thought they were in heaven . We sat in the van and ate our treats. Then we told them it was time for another treat. They got super excited! We told them that we would go on a little walk first. We crossed the street and walked in from of the theater. Thayne ran towards the posters and freaked when he saw the "wild things " poster. I then asked them where they were going and proceeded to open the door to the theater. They both had totally shocked faces and were truly SURPRISED! ( They had been wanting to see this movie for a long time. We very rarely go to the theater so this was a BIG TREAT!)

Our Mighty Woodsman!

We are so lucky to have our Handsome Strong Kayleb to help lift the big logs.

Thayne, What a BIG Helper!
Our little Family went and cut firewood twice this week. The boys had fun playing in the ice covered puddles while we were waiting for Luke to get some wood ready to load into the truck and trailer.


Hatch Clan said...

Looks like they had fun! We are glad they are little Paul Benyun's of the North!! (Good Workers!) Sorry to here about everyone being sick. Hope all of you get feeling better soon.

Wanda said...

You are awesome people. As much as you all have been feeling under the weather, you still all go out and do hard work. You all deserve to have some relaxing time infront of the cozy fire for all the hard work you have done.