Monday, November 30, 2009

So the 3 boys got an early Christmas present.
They are going to be Big BROTHERS AGAIN!
(Tripp for the first time)
Yep, we are having another cute baby
come to our family in JULY!


tiffany thorne said...

awww summer! that is a really good present!! congrads! say hi to the family for me i will see you in a month!

Dana M. said...

So excited for you! And I love your Baby Hatching blinkie!!

walkinourshoes said...

We can't wait.

Teija said...

OHHH I am so excited for you!! Congratulations!! I bet the boys are way excited, hopefully you are feeling ok. It was so good to see you this summer! Take Care

Unknown said...

Congrats!!!!! That is exciting. What a good Christmas present.

Shana Hamblin said...

So that means you are definitely out for any Rice reunion. But I am way happy for you! Hopefully you will get a girl this time, but boys are wonderful too!

Kara said...

Wahoo! So excited for you all, can't wait to see if you get to have another little man as cute as the others or a little princess - both blessings!

Wanda said...

Congratulations Summer and also to your whole family. What a great early Christmas Present hey? Right on

Ydalgorf said...

WoooHooo! What great news! Can't wait to find out........... but I know it will be a while for that!