Sunday, November 15, 2009

Tripp, our little Burn Victim!

So we have experienced our share of sickness. Luke and Tripp were both really sick a few weeks ago. Luke had actually been sick for 2 1/2 weeks before he went to the doctor. He was told that he had Swine Flu but that it waws bassically gone and had morphed into a really raunchy sinus infection. Tripp was diagnosed with a terrrible ear infection. They both get meds and supposibly started on the road to recovery. Luke still took what seemed like forever to gett some energy and feel halfway normal. Tripp perked up for a few days but then started his new routine of waking up every 15 mins ALL NIGHT LONG! No Joke! We figured that it could not bee his ears since he had just finished his meds. Also he has 6 teeth all trying to come though at the same time. So we suffered through it for a week and a half till I got fed up and took him into out-patients again. Sure enough a terrible ear infection. So now we are done round two of meds and he is raunchy again. Plus to make things more exciting Tripp touched our wood stove on tues and burned his hand pretty bad. Luckily I had already made an appiontment for this week with his doctor to find out if his ears are still infected . We will get him all better soon I hope. Grrrrrrrrr! We all need SLEEP!


walkinourshoes said...

I love the forest pictures. Poor little Tripp, too.

Shana Hamblin said...

Poor Tripp! I hope all of you start feeling better.

Wanda said...

Hope you start feeling better soon Tripp!