Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wow, its over already? Halloween was a blast. Carving Pumpkins as a Family, School Parties, Pizza with Friends, Trunk or Treat, Trick or Treating, and The Pumpkin Walk Followed by Fireworks. Good thing we got an extra hour of sleep this morning. (Time Change)

Happy Halloween!

Awesome Strong Start Class

Tripp's cute festive shirt reads, "I'm Skin and Bones, Need more Candy" Love it!

Thayne carves a pumpkin for the Pumpkin Walk at Strong start.

Monster Limbo. Kayleb and Thayne enjoy Halloween activities at school.

Pumpkin Doghnut on a String.

Thayne gets the prize.

Our Zoo! Kayleb the Kangaroo, Thayne the Elephant and Tripp the Lion.

Thayne takes a break to have a bite.

Little Miss Charity missed out on the group picture. What a cute Kitty

Cousins at Trunk or Treat.

Doing some "Real" Trick or Treating before the Pumpkin Walk.

Thayne finds the pumpkin that he had designed and carved at Strong Start.

Entrance to the Pumpkin Walk. A fun family tradition for Halloween.

Watching the Amazing Fireworks display at the park with our friends the Mueller's


Hatch Clan said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun this weekend!! Glad to see that the snow was gone for Halloween!!!
The zoo family looks pretty good too.

Shana Hamblin said...

It seems like Halloween has so many parties and activities. Looks like a lot of fun.

Kara said...

Ahhh, the pumpkin walk. Miss it, but not the cold night :)