Wednesday, December 9, 2009


So we had a big Eye day yesterday. Kayleb and Thayne had their yearly Optometrist appointment. Thayne is fine but Kayleb is the VERY PROUD owner of Glasses. Doesn't he look handsome! Tripp finally got to see the Opthemoligist and he is now on the waiting list for the surgery to open his tear duct. Hope we can say bye-bye to booger eye soon. Poor little man. Big day, lots accomplished.


Hatch Clan said...

Kayleb you look sooooooo handsome!
I am sure you will be reading a lot of books now! Enjoy everyone of them.
Love you,
Grandma Hatch

Hatch Clan said...
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walkinourshoes said...

You sure look handsome, Kayleb.

Shana Hamblin said...

Kayeb welcome to the "glasses club". What would we do without being able to see better? Summer don't you love socialized medicine? The US will be that way soon.

Shana Hamblin said...

Kayeb welcome to the "glasses club". What would we do without being able to see better? Summer don't you love socialized medicine? The US will be that way soon.

Wanda said...

Kayleb you look so smart and handsome in those glasses.