Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 5th B-Day Thayne

Thayne has been so EXCITED for his Birthday. Since last summer he picked his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Theme, he wanted to get Monsters vs Aliens, Chocolate Money, a Ninga Turtle Costume, and eat at Eastside Mario's in PG. He got all of it and Loved all of it. He had me all organized and was planning on making the punch 4 days ahead of time. He was not impressed when I told him we would need to wait. He requested that we call him "Birthday Boy" all week! Happy Birthday our Little Ninja Man!
Tractor... Gold Choc Coins... Rakin' in the Cash He has been begging for this! Thayne is ecstatic! "Leonardo Hatch" The Cousins enjoying the Yummy Personal Pizza's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Food! Thayne playing "Pin the Mask on the Ninja Turtle" Thayne's "Ninja Sword Cake"


walkinourshoes said...

what a fun birthday party. kylee loves the birthday song.
tripp's walking is darling. cute little stink

Karli said...

Happy Birthday Thayne! Summer, I see you're keeping up with your mom's awesome birthday parties!!!

Shana Hamblin said...

Love the Mohawk and Tripp walking will give you no peace. Shay wanted a Spiderman costume for Christmas when he was 5 too!

Hatch Clan said...

We are so glad you has such an awesome party. Thayne you are getting big every minute. You look pretty good as a Turtle!