Saturday, June 19, 2010


Summertime, and
the Livin' is Easy!

Here are some Random Shots from our
Adventures over the past couple of weeks.
Enjoying the Spraypool at
Fort George Park in P.G.

Thayne was so Proud of his Skills
Mustard Anyone?
Echo Lake Trip 2010
Kayleb's school goes to this bible camp
for the day every summer.


Tripp had his 2 older Brothers trapped in the house.
He figured out how to use the spray nozzle and would
get them every time they tried to approch him.
Little Booger!


Wanda said...

The spray pool looks like a lot of fun, especially on a hot day hey?. That Tripp is pretty smart for a little guy his age. Have more fun with the water on these beautiful hot days we have been having.

Hatch Clan said...

Glad you are enjoying your summer. This will make many memories for your boys. Tripp is to smart for his britches!