Sunday, June 27, 2010

Yesterday we went out to Tachick Lake to celebrate a late Father's Day.
Papa Schumann rented a boat, Uncle Sand brought
his Canoe and we brought our 2 Kayaks. We all had a really fun time and at the end of the day we returned to a Marvelous Mexican feast made by Grandma, Auntie Carlina and Mayson. Mmmmmm. Today we are tired and a little burned, but have loads of Wonderful Memories.
Be Sure to Veiw the Slideshow Below


Shana Hamblin said...

Sounds like some fun I would like to have.

Hatch Clan said...

What a wonderful (late) Father's Day activity! Those fish were pretty big! Looks like a lot of fun for all the boys. See you in a few weeks!
Lot of love your way!
Grandma H

Anonymous said...

nice pics man..........