Thursday, April 14, 2011

More Baby EMMETT

Emmett has his first bath...
And gets all ready to meet his older brothers...

Tripp kept kissing him, over and over and over.
Thayne and Kayleb wanted to hold him over and over and over.
Great Grandma Rice came over with them to meet our little man.
Proud Big Brothers!



walkinourshoes said...

Way too cute! Tripp really loves him. Good luck with that. You are going to have to watch him like a hawk. Cute kiddo's!

Hatch Clan said...

Boy! He has more hair that when I say him yesterday. I guess a bath does a lot. It makes me so happy to see all the boys enjoying Emmett. Can't wait to get there!!!!

midnight hysteria said...

he's so precious ... so awake and aware ... it's good to see gramma rice and, of course, gramma danawn (who needs to get on facebook)! great pics, hatch's ... all your boys are darling and precious!!!


Shana Hamblin said...

I loooove the pictures. The pictures I have of the older kids with their new siblings are sooooo precious. I am so glad you got some pictures like these. So beautiful.
Love you guys,
Aunt Shana

Breck, Celest, Tayzia, Talon, Kallie, and Jackson Rice said...

Congratulations! We loved all the darling pictures! What a beautiful family:))).
Aunt Celest and Family

Ashlee said...

congrats summer! he is a sweetie. your mom looks great! havent seen her FOREVER!