Wednesday, September 14, 2011

So Luke and I LOVE Big Hunk Bars, Which you can not buy in Canada.  Sad, I know!  So with my recent addiction to Pintrest I started to "pin" candy recipes... Now I have decided to start actually use some of these recipes.  I made "Butterfingers" this week and LOVED them!  Now to try the "Big Hunk"  

Only problem is that the recipe calls for marshmallow cream that is insanely expensive here so I found a recipe for that too.
Wish me luck!

"Cheat Method"
Simply put the marshmallow in a large microwave bowl. 7 ounces of marshmallows or mini-marshmallows either one would equal 7 ounces of marshmallow cream.

marshmallow creme = marshmallow fluff = Gently heat 16 ounces of marshmallows plus 1/4 cup corn syrup in a double boiler, stirring constantly; 10 large marshmallows = 1 C miniature marshmallows. 

Start by heating the marshmallows a few seconds at a time, stirring. Not so much to heat them but to slightly melt. gently. Stir in the corn syrup. You will end up with marshmallows creme just like the recipes call for & just like the jar of marshmallow creme from the store.

 Or a "from Scratch version"
2 egg whites
1 cup corn syrup
4 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 tablespoon vanilla

1Beat first four ingredients together over hot water for 7 minutes.
2Add vanilla and beat until cool. 


Homemade Marshmallow Fluff/Cream

3 egg whites, room temperature
2 cups light corn syrup
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups sifted powdered (confectioner's) sugar
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract

mixing the marshmallow fluff
In a large bowl of an electric mixer, add egg whites, corn syrup, and salt.
Using your electric mixer on high speed, mix for approximately 5 minutes or until the mixture is thick and volume has almost doubled.
On low speed, add powdered sugar and mix until well blended. Add vanilla extract just until well blended.
Your homemade marshmallow fluff/cream is now ready to use in your recipes. Use immediately, or refrigerate in a covered container for up to 2 weeks.
Makes a large quantity.

Can't wait to try it!

1 comment:

Shana Hamblin said...

I loved it when your dad would make homemade marshmallows. They were so delicious. Sounds like you have been being creative.