Monday, November 7, 2011


Luke is growing a "Wild Mustachio" in Support of "Movember" 

During November each year, Movember is responsible for the sprouting of moustaches on thousands of men’s faces, in Canada and around the world. With their “Mo’s”, these men raise vital funds and awareness for men's health, specifically prostate cancer. On Movember 1st, guys start with a clean-shaven face. For the rest of the month, these selfless and generous men, known as Mo Bros, groom, trim and wax their way into the annals of fine moustachery. Supported by the women in their lives, Mo Sistas, Movember Mo Bros raise funds by seeking out sponsorship for their Mo-growing efforts. Mo Bros effectively become walking, talking billboards for the 30 days of November. Through their actions and words, they raise awareness by prompting private and public conversation around the often ignored issue of men’s health. At the end of the month, Mo Bros and Mo Sistas celebrate their gallantry and valor by either throwing their own Movember party or attending one of the infamous Gala Partés held around the world by Movember, for Movember.  We are excited to support Movember this year. Several men in our church congregation are participating.  The local support is being headed up by our friend Mike Hurren.  An paypal account has been set up to help out Dennis Jensen who is battling cancer.  Denis's son, Russel Jensen is our friend and in the MoBro Club with Luke and the other guys!  Please click the following link and support a great man in need. Support Dennis Jensen Paypal Account     Thank You all SOOOOOOO Much! 


Karli said...

I was just going to do a post like this on my blog but you have saved me the work. I'm going to copy and paste yours! I hope that's ok with you. :)

Summer said...

Totally great Karli!