Monday, October 26, 2009


Kayleb's class had their first skating day of the year. Thayne and Tripp and I went along. Tripp in his stroller and Thayne ALL BY HIMSELF! He had not skated for over a year since last year I was prego and could not take his. He was sooo brave. he did bonk his head on the ice and get an bruise and bump. But he go right back out there. He is doing awsome. Kayleb skates really well too. Tripp enjoyed all teh attention and rides around the ice. Fun was had by all.

All of us Skating.


Hatch Clan said...

Wow, that looks like a lot of fun!!!
Can't believe you are skateing already. We are now getting cold here in Arizona. Thayne your head looks like it really hurts. Good for you for sticking to it!

Dana M. said...

Aw, poor Thayne!! good thing he's a tough one, I wouldn't know if I could get back out after a goose egg. Give him a hug from me.
PS: Love the count down on the side bar. I'm SO EXCITED!! We just need to make ticket arrangments and t-shirts now. Let's have a girls day!

Shana Hamblin said...

We are having qa New Moon party at our house and then we want to go to the midnight showing. Give Thayne a kiss for me for his booboo.

Shana Hamblin said...

We are having qa New Moon party at our house and then we want to go to the midnight showing. Give Thayne a kiss for me for his booboo.

Wanda said...

Glad to see you had fun skating. I can't believe your skating already. It just seems like yesterday, I met you boys and you were little tykes. Now your skating and all the things big boys do. Good for you.