Friday, April 23, 2010


While in Vancouver we took a trip on the SkyTrain to see Chinatown.
Tripp finds a nice little seat on the SkyTrain


Shana Hamblin said...

I loved your pictures. I told Danawn that you should go to Chinatown. I wish I was having fun with you guys.

Hatch Clan said...

Great Pictures! Glad you all made it okay. Looks like you had beautiful weather!! It snowed yesterday!!!@#@$!%$! Though we would not have to start a fire till fall. Glad you are having a great time. Did you buy a squid?
Wish we were there! Have a great time for me.
Love you.
Grandma H

Wanda said...

Looks like a beautiful place from the pictures. Glad you guys had fun