Thursday, April 29, 2010

Random Pictures

So I had a few pictures left from our trip to Vancouver and a few since we got home. So here goes a Random posting... Kayleb must be part fish cause he is such a good swimmer considering the amount of time us Vanderhoofians actually get to see a pool.
The boys all loved the tunnels we had to travel though on our way home from Vancouver, since they were asleep on the way down, this was especially exciting.
Thayne is getting so brave. I forgot to pack his lifejacket, so he started to learn to swim instead. He is so Brave!
Tripp loves to eat APPLES!
Tripp brought this car into the house and has been motoring around for 2 days now.
Kayleb has been a LEGO FREAK for a couple weeks now. This is his latest creation. Pretty dang good!


Shana Hamblin said...

Such cute boys. Swimming is so much fun.

Hatch Clan said...

The boys are just growing up so fast! Glad you had a good time. Have a HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ON TUESDAY! 9 years wow!