Friday, May 21, 2010

Medicine Week

So this week has been cRaZy! On Monday we went to Prince George to have Tripp's hearing tested and finally have another appointment with the ear specialist. He was a gem during the hearing test in which we discovered that he has significant hearing loss. Then we headed over to Dr Filatov's (ENT) He booked us for surgery to put tubes in both of Tripp's little ears. Miraculously he booked us for Friday, 4 DAYS away (most people wait 1 to 2 years). BLESSINGS! Plus as an added bonus the surgery would take place in Vanderhoof. YAY!
We were super excited to finally be getting ear surgery, but one little kink, I was already scheduled to have TOE SURGERY the day before... I was prepped that it would be a horrendous experience like last time. OUCH!!!!!!!! My doctor said that it was not going to be as bad as my last one, but I did not believe her. Thankfully she was right. I was able to get around well enough to help Tripp get to his pre-op and surgery without too much pain.

Tripp was such an AWESOME patient. He was the star of the Hospital. I was able to carry him in to the operating room and stay with him till he fell fast asleep. Then I was waiting for him in the recovery room when he was finished. Much less TRAMATIC than his Eye Surgery experience. He woke up HAPPY!

What a BLESSING to have surgery over and how exciting to see the results as he starts to HEAR the WORLD around him. Thank You to Mom Schumann for helping out so much and all the friends who called and visited us during this CRAZY week.


Hatch Clan said...

I am so glad that everything went well for both of you!!! Tripp will be a different boy. Everything will be a new expericence for him.
Take care of yourselfs.
Love you all!

walkinourshoes said...

We are glad that everybody is health and happy, now. Tripp looks so cute in his little cap.

Shana Hamblin said...

I am hoping that the tubes will help with his speech and all of the good stuff. I am glad your toe is not too bad. YEA for surgeries! Grandma is also on the mend for her knee surgery.
Love you guys.

Wanda said...

Glad to hear both operations went well and your on to recovery. There is nothing as awful as having surgery and it not working out. Good luck to both of you


Deni & Bo said...

Sum been thinking of you. Glad all went well wish I could be there with you. Love ya girl.

MammaJ said...

So glad everything went well for both of you. I am excited for Tripp to be able to hear everything he has been missing!