Tuesday, May 11, 2010


A little over a week ago Luke surprised me and announced that he was taking me to Vancouver for our 9th Anniversary. It was a last minute Getaway that we both really needed. 48 hours of "Us Time!"
We left home at 3am and started the drive. There was lots of construction so it took lots longer than normal. But we got a little more time to visit right.
Luke was a great sport and drove the entire time since I am chicken and did not want to drive his stick shift car.

We stopped in Hope on our way home and Luke could not resist the opportunity to show the world how well he can make a Sylvester Stallone face.
Thank You so ,much Luke for the perfect Getaway. We got to visit the new Vancouver Temple and even got to attend Jared and Cherise's Wedding. How special. Brought back lots of memories from our ceremony 9 years ago in the Salt Lake Temple.
I love you Luke,
My Eternal Sweetheart!


Shana Hamblin said...

I am glad you got to get away and celebrate your anniversary. It seems like yesterday that we saw you get married.

Wanda said...

That's awesome you got to get away for your anniversary. I love the pictures by the way. You two are very lucky to have each other. As if you already didn't know that.

Teija said...

looks like you had a good time, way to take some time out for yourself.