Tuesday, November 30, 2010

And the Verdict is in...

So today we had our 19 week Ultrasound.
I was totally worried that our little babe
would not co-operate and we were not going
to be able to determine the gender.
We really wanted to know...
But then the baby got in a more comfortable
position to show it's "stuff". And there was
definatly some "stuff". That's right we are
happy to announce that we are going to be
welcoming a LITTLE BOY in April. Yay! We know
just what to do! We are all excited.
Now to pin down a name...


Karli said...

Hmmmm, we should brainstorm names together because we are at a loss! :) Congratulations!

Jody said...

Congratulations!!! How awesome is that! So excited for you and your sweet little family!

Hatch Clan said...

I am so glad we know what you are having!!! He looks like he is quite active! So happy for you all. Love and Miss you all very much!!!!

Wanda said...

I'm happy for you Summer. Another sweet baby to join the rest of the beautiful family you have.