Monday, April 13, 2009

Beach Excursion

Kayleb exploring the Lighthouse
We went to the beach in Northern Washington with the Jacobsen's
It was cold and Windy , but the boys were good sports about
letting me take some pictures. And we all had a BLAST!
Thayne did not like having the Pebbles in his shoes.

Finding the Starfish and, crabs....

Kayleb and Taedyn

"King of the Mountain"

The Crew... Thayne, Taedyn, Braycen,Kayleb
My Guys
Beach Combing


1 comment:

Hatch Clan said...

OOOOOOh! What a neat time with your family. It looks like the boys are having a great time. Love the picture of all the boys.
Grandma H