Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Forget - Me - Not

Evangaline Hatch
February 12th, 2010
Finally our long awaited test results came back for the baby we lost in February. The first set came a a shock stating that our baby was a chromosomaly fine, but that there had been a mistake in the gender. Out Little Emmet was actually our
Little Evangaline. This news took a little while to sink in. We were told that it is a common mistake at Eve's stage of development. But we were still waiting for the Autopsy results to see if there would be anymore finding that may let us know a reason for loosing our precious baby. Our doctor prepared us that most families do not find a specific cause of death. So we hoped we would have a specific answer but tried to prepare ourselves if there was none. After almost 3 months of waiting they finally arrived. We had some questions anwsered like how much she weighed and such. All her systems and parts of her body were normal. The only finding was that the umbilical cord was too long which can cause problems. So our little Eve was perfect in every way and was meant to return to Heaven. We can now look forward to the day when we can meet her and be together forever.


Shana Hamblin said...

That is a beautiful name. Now you know. Now you know that you and Luke can make girl babies.

Jody said...

Summer~ Its nice to finally have answers even though its just as hard!!! Love ya and keep hanging in there. Nice to know you can make the girl version too...